European Territorial Cooperation: a bridge between Institutions and territories - European Cooperation Day
Oct 24

European Territorial Cooperation: a bridge between Institutions and territories

Rome, Italy
24 Oct - 25 Oct
09:00 - 14:00

The Italian second national event

Next October the 24th and the 25th, in Rome, the Agency for Territorial Cohesion and the Department for Cohesion Policies organize a national event whose theme is inspired by the need to strengthen the debate between national and regional Administrations with the territories and civil society, to communicate concrete results of the cooperation projects and to share ways to foster and to consolidate the integration of these results within the regional development policy lines.
As part of the EC DAY 2019 campaign, an amateur video competition will also be organized to increase the attention of citizens and to encourage them to show their feelings towards Europe through simple but communicative videos.
During the event, an interactive exhibition will be set up which will encourage the direct involvement of the participants and stimulate them to reflect on the meaning and importance of cooperation.